Monday, September 12, 2022

A Little More Fall Stitchin'

Gentle Friends, I've started the second Hallowe'en piece... not too much to show but here's a snaperoo...

A Ghoultide Welcome - Plum Street Samplers
40ct LL Pecan Butter
Called For NPI Silk

This is a great piece for the season and since I had already started "A Yuletide Welcome" (about a decade ago...)  this will be a super companion piece...  now I need to find the YW piece, see where I left off, and pull that sucker back into shape.

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks again for stopping by do stop again.  Stay Safe!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!


A Quick Post

 Gentle Friends, I forgot to post last night so it'll be short and sweet this morning... here's a snaperoo... ...stitching on the ce...