Monday, February 21, 2022

A Little Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, still stitching away on ADI and I've started a bit near the bottom... here's a snaperoo..

I don't think I've ever given voice to the fact that within the middle square space - where the bands are that I was never fully engaged with that part of the chart or this sampler.  That was what kept me from getting this project a long time ago.  I am all for the blue chickens - woohoo!!!  ... and that's what pushed me over the edge and me now stitching away on this sucker, but the part just under all the over one grape arbor and motto... not happy with that in the least.  It looks and feels clunky and that extra box with my name - me no likey!  So... all this time I've been thinking about what could I stitch or re-work or just chart to fill this space and it's a pretty big space.  I've looked a literally 100's of samplers from the late 18th and early 19th centuries - nothing from anywhere jumped out as a fix.  However now I think I've figured it out and have a solution....  I'll ruminate on it a bit before I let loose and just keep stitching away.  BTW that space between the two ladybugs and that bit of holly....  that's for goldenrod - all french knots - not my favorite - so I'll let that go for the moment also!!

That's about it for today sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by do stop again.  Stay Safe!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!


  1. You have made awesome progress, Edgar. Can't wait to see your plan for the block!

  2. This is absolutely beautiful. I am sure whatever changes you make will be perfect, I never copy a design completely but always change something to make it mine.

  3. I am going to have to pull up a photo of this as charted so I can better understand the things you disliked...and the original verse. I assume you likely showed us, but my memory is on a walkabout these days methinks. And while I really usually like doing French knots, I don't think doing a bunch of them to resemble goldenrod would be enjoyable LOL. Good luck with that! ~Robin~

  4. Super progress, Edgar! I can't wait to see the blue chickens!

  5. That border is just beautiful. I know what you mean having trouble with part of the sampler. There is a Halloween one, Jack's Bash, I think it is called. It has way too much over one for me to enjoy or even see clearly. I don't have a magnifier and perhaps that would help. I stitch now on only 36 or 40 count and it is so small for over one. That chart has a big amount of over one in the verse! Such a delima as I love the chart!

  6. You could always stitch little Smyrna crosses instead of French knots, or use beads instead, but methinks you're not really a bead kind of guy. Good luck whatever you do.

  7. I won't mess with an antique reproduction sampler, but a modern design like this one, the sky is the limit. I don't even worry about whether the motto is antique or not; if it's a verse or saying that means something to me, it's a go. I have a journal where I jot down verses and quotes I like for future samplers and re-designs; makes life easier when I need one.

  8. Dearest Edgar: This is so beautiful, I hope you come up with a perfect solution for the box, it really is a large area.
    Looking forward to seeing this one finished.


  9. I love how this is coming along. Your stitching is beautiful


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...