Sunday, September 26, 2021

A Little Finish and a Little Start

 Gentle Friends, I finished up Paradise over the weekend and made a start of the Fall's a snaperoo of Paradise...

"Peaceful Paradise" by Midsummer Night Designs
3/28 - 9/25/2021
LL 40ct Pearled Barley
Using the Recommended floss

This was a great piece to work on and I think the only change I would make would be to just use a single black as I can't really see any difference in the two blacks, but whatever, she's a done deal...

... now on to my Fall sampler.....

"Mighty Acorn"- from Blackbird Designs
36ct LL Vintage Light Examplar

There you go sports fans.  Thanks for stopping by... do stop again.  Stay Safe!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!



  1. Contact JSC and inquire about a digital copy

  2. Sorry, I have none of those issues!

  3. What a beautiful finish...and what a lot of stitching. Impressive. As for your "fall sampler"....SQUEAL! I LOVE every stinking design in that pattern book and this one is just exceptional. Will be so fun to follow along. ~Robin~

  4. This is a beautiful finish! Gorgeous colors!

  5. Gorgeous colors! Beautiful finish!

  6. Paradise is beautiful! You are a stitching dynamo! Mighty Acorn will be a new start for me next year.

  7. Paradise will never cease to be breathtaking... 6 months in Edgar time
    (with a job, no less) would probably be 6 years otherwise. A real
    tour de force ... And Mighty Acorn already well along.. Amazing..
    You truly inspire...

  8. Oh Edgar, Peaceful Paradise is stunning. Well done on your finish! You are off to a good start on Mighty Acorn.

  9. Dearest Edgar: What a great feeling to have a finish, it is lovely, nice start on your next project.


  10. Paradise is lovely! I like that the year is stitched in. Did I miss your initials? It seems like they ought to be included somewhere.


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...