Wednesday, September 9, 2020

A Lotta Smoke and a Little Fog

Gentle Friends, today is quite a bit different than I've ever seen it here by the Bay... 
I've taken some snaps from our balcony... making no adjustments to the images or using any kind of filter...
... taken at about 6 am looking east to downtown San Francisco...

... taken about 6am looking west towards Twin Peaks and the fog is just starting to creep over the hills...

taken about 10 minutes ago, 11am looking east towards downtown SF...

.. taken also about 10 minutes ago looking west and you can see the big fog bank gathering up on the hills...

The smoke is sitting on top of the marine layer, fog, and is blocking most of our daylight today so we are having a "twilight" day.  I just got a bacon and onion quiche into the oven so dinner is made and now it's back to the dining room table and work.

Thanks for stopping by do stop again!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!


  1. These (and all) fires just break our hearts. Devastating.

  2. Oh Edgar, all this is breaking my heart! We rarely get fire on the west side of the mountains. However, that wind storm we had caused fires over here because electric lines were blown down. Several homes have been lost. So sad!!!!! As though Covid weren't enough.

  3. Wow....that is just incredible. Beautiful in an odd way, until the "source" sinks in..... Your quiche sounds lovely. ~Robin~

  4. Those are amazing photos. Sad for everyone, all that devastation. Poor confused wild animals too, be safe.

  5. I have been seeing all these pictures of smoke and orange sky and my heart is breaking for you and your fellow Californians....and Oregonians....and Washingtonians. So very, very sad. Please stay safe.

  6. Have been thinking of you, and hoping you both and the who-hounds are doing ok. Plz stay safe and well:)

  7. You've been on my mind with all of the coverage of the fires on TV. Take care and stay safe.

  8. Been thinking about you and everyone else in California and Oregon. Please stay safe!!

  9. Devastating and so scary to have the smoke there.
    Be careful.

  10. Got these pictures from a friend who lives there too.
    If we looked at just the pictures without reading, it looks beautiful. But, it's totally scary


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...