Monday, July 20, 2020

A Little Stitchin'

Gentle Friends,  Still plugging away on Beatitudes... I took this snap Friday evening and was going to post it over the weekend... but things got away from me... you know the naps and things!  So here I am Monday morning and although not exactly where I was Friday evening on the piece, as you can see I am making some headway with the words...

and talking about the wording.  The called for floss is CC Hickory Sticks, and I have burned through most all I had...  I still have one skein but I knew before I started the top wording I wouldn't have enough to finish it out so I tried to get more.  With things the way they are I was unable to find more anywhere or in any shop I called or try to order from... so I headed to the pile o'stash and found a really good match... WDW Swamp Water,  I like it a bit better.  The floss has a nicer feel and I can't see there is much difference in the overdyed coloring... lucked out on that one for sure!!  ... as I move towards the finish I am thinking ahead and think have I've landed on my next project..... 

Thanks for stopping by do stop again.  Stay Safe!

Good Thoughts! Good Words! Good Deeds!


  1. You were very lucky Edgar! This is a bad time to run short of anything. However, the project is beautiful!

  2. Oh my, I know you stitch quickly, but it would be a while before I was thinking about what is next. I love watching the progress of your stitching. I am looking forward to seeing this finish and then what is next.

  3. I beg to differ: That's more than a "little" stitchin' LOL. Speed Demon!!! And, did luck out! On my mermaid, I ran out of the overdyed color called for and ordered a dozen skeins or more from different places...none (nor anything else I tried) came close to, it is what it is. ~Robin~

  4. What luck that you found a substitution in your stash. Beatitudes is looking good.

  5. Lucky indeed on the thread. Who ever would have thought that it would become difficult to find floss? Not me. This is a lovely piece.

  6. Wow, you are so quick!! Between my two monthly TUSAL posts, you have a finish and are almost done with your next. Lovely piece


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...