Wednesday, April 26, 2017

A Little Kitty

Gentle Friends, the last couple of weeks have brought more little four-footed love bundles.  A little back story...  most of our neighbors have cats - and "kitty sitters" or to board a cat can get really expensive - so we've stepped into the breach and help out when asked - last week Kim and Brian asked us to help out ... so I got some snaps of their three kitties....

.... here are Hubert and Roger.... really sweet and needed lots of kitty kisses and scratches.....

...  Roger was all up in the camera and really is the sweetest ...

...  of the three kitties it is Bob-Cat, the oldest kitty, that needs the most attention, he's basically blind and needs to be given a little pill twice daily, he's really great about taking them... and that's what been going on around the old homestead lately, thanks for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. You and Rico surely deserve the "Kindest Neighbor Award"!

  2. Kitties! Now we're talking. It's nice of you and Rico to offer to take care of them. You sound like a good neighbor. I certainly couldn't say no to sweet little faces like those!

  3. I have just fallen in love with Hubert. Gorgeous!

  4. Dearest Edgar: You warm my heart to see what a lovely couple you are to take care of the neighbors cats, I bet you and Rico just pour love on them daily.


  5. Roger looks like he is giving you the stink-eye.

  6. Oh my gosh we have a grey and white kitty named Hubert! And love that Roger can't get close enough to the camera while you are taking pics.

  7. Aww they are so cute. How did the hounds like them?

  8. Lucky kitties having good neighbours taking care of them:-)

  9. Adorable bundles of fluff you have been taking care of.
    I cat sit my neighbours 5 when she is away on hols.

  10. Be glad that he was good about taking the pills. I have to practically force pills down a cat I was sitting for. (The owner did tell me that was the case ahead of time.)

  11. Aww so cute
    Hugs and kisses xx

  12. You and Rico are great neighbors!!

  13. You and Rico are true animal lovers. Those kitties look adorable.

  14. Hurrah for you & Rico! What wonderful neighbors you are! Any hints re: pill-giving?

  15. Bless your sweet hearts - both you and Rico! There is a special place in heaven for those who are kind to animals (my mother always said that!)


  16. Now, that is a fun job -to be a kitty sitter. Looks like you had a lovely time with them.

  17. Awwww...I'm a cat person and I think they look like such sweet kitties! So glad you can do the pill thing...I've never had a cat that was good about taking pills! You are a very kind neighbor!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...