Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Something New

Gentle Friends, a couple of weeks ago I went for my annual eye exam and found that as I have in the last year my left eye has gotten a little more wonky than the right and so it was time for a new prescription and that means new glasses........  

I must have tried about 100 different glasses on and waffled back and forth between stainless steel and titanium frames.......  eventually settling on....... 

on a pair that comes in this great triangular "collapsible" case

- it folds almost flat when not needed......

....  here I am with  my new glasses, from Gucci.  I choose them in the Matte Blue colour with steel frames....  they feel quite a bit lighter than my other daily glasses and I like that the ear pieces have a bit of a grip to them.  

That's about it for today sports fans, thanks for stopping by, do stop again!!

Take care,


  1. Nice--they look great! Glasses what would we ever do without them?

  2. Looking good! I hate picking out new frames. Wouldn't be so hard if there wasn't so many to choose from. For a couple of weeks after, I always think I should have chosen a different pair. Then I get used to them and all is well. I like the case also.


  3. Very nice choice... Accents you eyes... Love them... And better to stitch when your eyes are comfy.

  4. The new glasses look great, Edgar. Stylin!

  5. I could spend the day sitting in that little chair in front of that little mirror and still not choose a pair. Good job.

  6. Quite the elegant look in your new glasses! I have the same thing, very different eyes! I am almost blind in the left while the right is pretty good.

  7. Oooh, Gucci! Looks great, Edgar!

  8. Glasses are nice and the case is certainly intriguing. Enjoying seeing your stitching piece grow.

  9. You look good in those frames Edgar. I absolutely hate picking out new frames. I usually get a pair that looks very similar to the last pair.

  10. Nice glasses, I hate picking out new frames, I have reading and driving glasses. Tried bifocals, could not wear, especially doing needle work. The reading part was so small I keep having to move my head! I really love the case!!!!

  11. Dearest Edgar: Very handsome, love the eyeglass case.


  12. They look great! I really need to get my eyes checked again as well. I'm fairly certain my Rx will change!

  13. The new specs look great! Very flattering on an already handsome face. :)

  14. Looking good! Great choice!!!!


A New Strart

Gentle Friends,  I've not been posting much... one reason is that I've not been stitching at all for the last month or more... I gue...