Saturday, June 8, 2013

An Old Photograph

Gentle Friends, today would have been my mom's 87th Birthday -  so my thoughts are drawn back to her today.  Breaking up her house this winter and sorting everything out I came across a photo I had never seen - and I had thought I had seen every photograph there could be, and trust me there were thousands and thousands taken over the years....  here it is....

It was taken when she was 16 in 1940, and she was a Debutante - It is a great photo and is a black and white picture that has been hand coloured.  

I am reminded of a poem by a favorite poet of mine.....

The bustle in a house
The morning after death
Is solemnest of industries
Enacted upon earth, --

The sweeping up the heart,
And putting love away
We shall not want to use again
Until eternity.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) 

 There you go sports fans, Thanks for stopping by, do stop again,
Take care, 


  1. Oh Edgar - a beautiful young woman and such a lovely photo too. Nothing can match the creation of a handpainted photo - they are so very lovely. I think you picked the perfect poem too. I hope you are filled with wonderful memories of your Mom to cherish through the years.

  2. What a lovely woman and a beautiful momento. I try and focus on the good memories on these types of anniversaries to get my mind off the sadness. My mom will be gone 25 years as of August, 1/2 my life, and I still miss her as if it were yesterday. Sending comforting thoughts.

  3. Beautiful poem. Your mother was a beautiful young lady. That's a gorgeous photo.

  4. Very touching post Edgar, a lovely verse - your mum looked so elegant.

  5. What a lovely photo of your Mom... absolutely gorgeous; and what a treasure to have. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Such a great photo! I still miss a photo of my mum's I had always kept in my purse and was stolen!AriadnefromGreece!

  7. What a beautiful woman!! There is nothing like those old hand colored photographs.

  8. What a treasure. Such a beautiful pose of an elegant young lady.

  9. What a beautiful photo of a beautiful girl! I have photos all around my home of loved ones that are no longer with us. I get comfort and pleasure from keeping the pictures near. Glad you have this one!

  10. Beautiful picture of your mother! I am sure today may be difficult...My thoughts are with you.

  11. Beautiful, I love old photos of parents or even grandparents. Fun to imagine their live back then. We always tend to think of them in our time, not that they were young once too.

  12. What a wonderful picture of your mother. She was a beautiful woman. When we were cleaning up, we found a picture of my FIL at about the same age as your mother is in that picture. We treasure that picture just as I know you will treasure this one.

  13. How beautiful. Thinking of you on this bittersweet day...

  14. What a beautiful young woman. I'm missing my mother more than usual so please know you're not alone. We'll get through this - with a little help from our (online) friends!

  15. She's beautiful Edgar.
    What a treasure to find.

  16. I love the picture of your mother. She was gorgeous. Thanks so much for sharing. - dona

  17. Edgar, she was a beautiful girl and I am sure a wonderful mother. I'm glad you have such wonderful memories.

  18. Beautiful photo and beautiful words, simple yet profound.

  19. Your mother was a very beautiful lady Edgar.
    (Big hug) at this sad time, I hope you can remember some of the Hapoy times that you and the family have enjoyed over the years.

  20. What a lovely photo of your mom and a lovely poem too.

  21. Oh Edgar, how beautiful. A gorgeous photo of your mom -- she was a real beauty. And what a nice poem. I discovered a number of photos of my mom I had never seen after she died. A number I have framed and have hanging in our stairwell with other family photos. Hoping you have a lovely weekend.

  22. I know exactly how you're feeling. My mother's 82nd b-day was yesterday and she passed away last May. I miss her a lot. It's a lovely picture of your mother. I have some snaps of my mom from the 50s and 60s out that I've never really appreciated as much as I do now. Yes, I miss her. Hugs from Texas.

  23. Edgar, your Momma looks like a Queen!

  24. She looks so beautiful! What a treasure!

  25. That's a very beautiful picture, a real treasure!
    Your Mom looks wonderful!
    Greetings from Germany

  26. Lovely photo of a very beautiful lady. What a treasure it is to have a remembrance like this.

  27. Edgar, what a lovely photo of your mom. I found one of my mom that I'd never seen either when she passed away. It's a wonderful reminder of the lovely women in our lives. My mom's birthday is at the end of the month and although she's been gone 11 1/2 years, I still miss her all the time. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.

  28. Your Mom is beautiful. That is such a wonderful find. I am sure that you miss her daily.

  29. She is gorgeous. What a wonderful photograph!

  30. what a beautiful picture!!!

  31. Beautiful picture Edgar. Your mom looks like a princess ready for the ball. Thank you for sharing.

  32. What a gorgeous photo, Edgar. Your mother was a beautiful young lady. The Emily Dickinson poem brought tears to my eyes. I wasn't familiar with this poem and thank you for sharing it. I know these special days can be hard. I think of my dad every day since he passed. I do believe he is with me always, though. Hope you're doing OK.

  33. Lovely! She looks like a wonderful person; someone I would like to know. She looks kind, and also alert, intelligent, and engaged.

  34. She was a beautiful young lady Edgar, thank you for sharing with us.

  35. What a beautiful picture of your mother! What a bittersweet day it must have been for you. My brother shares the same birthday!


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...