Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Working on Miss Potter

I just can not look at my rotation..... or just about any other stitching as I am so nearing the finish of Miss Potter. It always happens that way for me as I am coming into the home stretch on a piece I just want to have the thing done. That sounds like I have not enjoyed working on the piece, I really have enjoyed it immensely but there are just so many things out there to stitch and that stash pile ain't-a going down on its own!! :)
Now I read on another board that CHS is putting out a third in the Hawk Run things called "The Shores of Hawk Run." Now, I just know that I will buy that chart, unless it it completely heinous, which I doubt, as I certainly like just about everything about the first two HRH pieces. The word "Shores" does kind of worry me as I am in no way any kind of beach person.....but there are other shores, lake, river, creek, stream...... We will just have to wait and see.

Here is a snap of Miss Potter.....

Not the best picture but you get the idea. The two completed wreaths have some initials in them but I need to chart up some as the ones that are charted mean nothing to me and I like to personalize the samplers I do. But whose to put there...siblings, partner, parents, nieces, nephews...the hounds???? I am not sure........also.... I have stashed the companion BP chart and may do that in the future, who knows....I do not like that one as much as I liked this one, but you never know. I wonder what colour I could do it in a deep blue black would be nice as the picture shows it in a very dark brown like colour. Going to have to think about that one.

Rico found a small sombrero he had gotten in Mexico and of course the dogs needed to try it on, not that they wanted to but, we are bigger, so here are a couple of snaps from that trauma last night.

It is the Pete-bandito in another Batman angle picture of mine...and here is the Hunny

I know she is thinking ... "How undignified, I am 16 years old and way to old for this foolishness!!" The Peach ran off so she didn't get to try it on......and I just know she was on the phone calling the SPCA. I was laughing so hard I thought I would wet myself.

Back at the beginning of December Rico went down to the flower market to get some greenery for the house and picked up this orchid and it is still going strong. Here is a snap of it....

and here is a close up of the flowers...

It really brightens up the house to have these pretty things around.

I just have to say how nice everyone is in the comment area. I really like to get feedback and the comments are so nice. I have my stash list and charts I am kitting out ready for this afternoons trip to Needle in a Haystack!!!! Woo--Hoo--!!!

Hi Kristen - yes- just like you, anytime I hear that somebody is going to Paris I also say go to the Saint Chappelle!!! So many people have never heard of it, and if you want to see beautiful stained glass and can not get to Chartres, then you have to see that "Jewel Box" Le Sainte Chappelle. The last time I was in Paris I sat there almost an hour and just watched the sunlight play through the windows. With the changing clouds and moving light, just magnificent. Since it is a smallish place in comparison to other Gothic structures it is even more mesmerizing. I was also astonished at how so many "tourists" just walked through, glanced and moved back down the stairs without a thought but to "what's next on the list." How disappointing for them!!!! I personally love/lust after religious art/architecture/music/literature and travel to see important (or what I consider important) religious artifacts. For those who know me know that I am far from a religious person so it is not out of devotion or anything like that....... it is just the trappings and accoutrement that I really enjoy. I also hear from others when they are going to Paris that they will "have to see Notre Dame." Now don't get me wrong I also saw ND de P once and thoroughly enjoyed this lovely space, but Paris has so many other more complete and more beautiful Gothic and neo Gothic churches - I really enjoy the Basilica Saint Denis, necropolis of the Kings and Queens of France and find it a more moving experience the Notre Dame de Paris with its bazillion people shuffling through the aisles.....
whoops I feel the soap box.....moving on.....

Yes, Carol - if ( oh my - did I say If ) - when I get to the United Kingdom this year I am making a trip to Canterbury/Deal and we will have lunch or at the very least a coffee!!! Another super duper Church and the place where Becket was murdered.

I should sign off for today as this has gotten way long.

Thanks for stopping by!!!!!

Take care,


  1. BP gets better and better and if you are looking for a buyer for the used chart, please can I have first offer? I have been after this chart for ages and never been lucky enough to get it. Definitely lunch/coffee when you get to Canterbury/Deal this year - we can even take a walk on the pier - weather permitting!

  2. Aww the poor poochies :) They look so sweet...and a little leery of what you're going to do with them next! LOL!
    Miss Potter is looking STUPENDOUS!
    Hmmm, I don't know what you should put in your wreaths on the sampler...you speak a lot about your Grandmother, perhaps her initials/birthdate and your Mom's too, then yours? Hmmmm...you'll have to do some thinking on that!

  3. Hiya, lovely blog.

    If you like Salisbury you might like Wells too? (I'm no expert though, but like you I visit churches whilst on hols!)


  4. Edgar,
    I just had to come over and say THANK YOU!! Your comment on my blog is so very sweet :) I can't thank you enough and it means so much to me that you think those things about me. I have had some tought decisions to make lately and while they should have been left up to me and what was best-not everyone has seen it that way-and I have been made to feel bad by a few, but people like you are so genuine and caring and it shows in your words/kindess.
    Thanks for stopping by-I'll be around to see what you are up to!
    BTW-my dd LOVED the dog pics...we are huge animal lovers here :)
    hugs to you!

  5. Edgar ~ Miss Potter is just awesome. I'm with you, finish it!!!
    I just finished Village of Hawk Run Hollow and have been waiting to see what Shores of HRH is going to look like. I'm not a beach person either, so the name isn't very intriguing to me ;)

  6. BP looks beautiful Edgar! I know how you feel, once I get close to a finish I can't stop to work on everything else. Our cats are cringing at the photos of the dogs. They are afraid we may get the kitty chicken hat out and make them wear it again.

  7. Yes, Edgar, I think that people aren't impressed by San Chapelle because it's relatively small. But it was the king's personal chapel! can you imagine having that space all to yourself? (I'm not religious either, but that place is mesmerizing!)

    And St Denis! Oh, you are bringing me back to my college days ;)

    On a similar note, you may decide to go to Ravenna to see the Byzantine mosaics (or maybe have already done so). Again, the 'big' places are spectacular, but overlooked is the little Chapel (or Mausoleum) of Galla Placidia. It's a tiny little building, but inside is a jewel. Here's a link:

    I really do have to get over there before I die!

  8. very cute puppies! :-) I'm taking a wait and see also with Shores of Hawk Run Hollow. I'm not much of a seaside picture person. I hope I like it though.

  9. What cute dogs! BP is looking great.

    If you do get to Canterbury, make sure you go to JEMs in Sun Street for stash - it's not far from the cathedral.

  10. The dogs look hilarious!!
    I nearly went to university in Canterbury but changed my mind. You have to get to Scotland for true history and religious art/architecture/music/literature. Im biased though ;-)
    Miss Potter looks so good!

  11. Oh, my God!!! Your dogs are too cute. I have a min pin/chi combo and he is the cutest thing also, although he would never let me put something on his head. He immediately paws it right off!

    Great blog. I have added you to my bloglines.

    -- Danielle


A Little bit of Stitchin'

 Gentle Friends, here's a snap of where I left off on my new stitch... I am just moving along ain't I?? (can you read the sarcasm??)...